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Music Week - A great success
A Celebration Of Music
A week of music took place between Friday 13th January and Friday 20th January 2017. Music Week focused on enabling the students to embed their learning by creating songs and music about the areas of the curriculum they are currently studying.
Each class enjoyed small group sessions with Matthew Hemson from The Therapeutic Media Company, learning to pay different instruments and writing songs together. The round up to the week was a whole academy Musical Celebration showcasing all the students hard work from the week. During the celebration, the students also sang the Academy Song, teaching the audience the chorus, so everyone could sing together as a whole school community.
Mr Hemson took time to describe the week's highlights from each class, with special praise going out to all the students that motivated their classmates to join in and to all the students who took lead vocals on the microphone.
Mr Hemsen's Highlights:
Burgundy Class jumped at the chance to create a song that featured aspects of China, which is their current topic. They included lyrics on the Terracotta Army, Chinese Dragons, The Great Wall of China and even noodles! Leon and Saniya became the lead singers while their classmates created some beautiful oriental music to accompany them.
Green Class wrote two excellent songs that highlighted their language skills and also their enjoyment of Shakespeare. Their first song featured every student singing "Hello" in a different language and their second song was inspired by Hamlet and featured the famous line "To be or not to be, that is the question." Well done to Rhys and Ainsley who were excellent in coming up with innovative ideas to make each song engaging and fun.
Blue Class have been studying the days of the week, and took the opportunity to write a song to help them with learning the order of the days. Each member of the class personified a day and then sang, in order, how each day might feel. The students all expressed that the vibrant song helped them learn the order of the week days and that they had lots of fun and laughter during the sessions. The class also made up a fantastic second song about Mrs Dark's dog "Dizzy". Well done to Dillon and Junior who were excellent at encouraging their classmates during the sessions.
Purple Class took their current topic of water and sang songs featuring waterspouts (Incy Wincy Spider) and singing fish (Under The Sea). They also created their own Rainforest Soundscape using lots of exciting instruments. During the sessions Sophie was very intrigued to hear her own voice through a microphone.
Red Class have been studying the strengths and weaknesses of different characters in stories. This week they chose to sing about superheroes as their focus and consequently composed an interactive song demonstrating great powers of strength, flight, invisibility, climbing, technology, speed, ice creation and even x-ray vision! Well done to Omar who composed the melody for the chorus, and to Mitchell who had the best individual theme tune as he was Batman!
Indigo Class invested time this week to learn the Venturers’ Academy Song, and all enjoyed the opportunity to play the electric guitars. Well done to Connor who received a raffle ticket for putting great effort into his singing and to Theo who amazed us all by playing the bass with perfect rhythm on a class version of "We Will Rock You".
Yellow Class have been focusing on nature and as a result came up with a wonderful song where each student acts and sings in the manner of their favourite animal, like a new version of The Jungle Book! Jack G was a Panda, Kalil an Elephant, and Kai a scary Tiger! They also enjoyed singing the song BINGO about a man and his dog and went on to perform this song in the Musical Celebration.
Orange Class did exceptionally well during the music sessions. They played different instruments beautifully and sang a fantastic song about counting fingers and toes, always at the top of their voices! They also were brave in kick starting the Musical Celebration off with their special composed counting song.
'Yet another exciting week at Venturers’! The Music Week has been a tremendous success, ensuring that the talents of all our budding musicians have been developed.'
Mr Williams, Principal