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World Book Day 2017
- Celebrating 20 years of World Book Day across the UK
On the run up to World Book Day the Academy completed lots of reading related activities, including a visit from Monkton Coombe School. Here, eight Y9 students came to the Academy to buddy up with some of the readers, to find out a little more about Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC), and to spend about half an hour reading with each buddy, and discussing their favourite books.
All the students then had a game of football and some refreshments. The Academy hopes to have a return visit to Monkton Coombe School so that the students can form some positive reading bonds with their new friends over in Bath.
On Thursday, 2nd March the students and staff enjoyed dressing up as their favourite book and comic characters. The Academy came together to participate in a catwalk, to parade their costumes for the whole-academy to identify and share in the celebrations.
Other activities included a 'Where's Wally' trail, involving a hunt for all the different Wally posters, that had been coloured in by the students and dotted around the Academy. Students also took time in class to design book tokens as part of the UK national 'Oodles of Doodles' competiton.
To promote the positive benefits of reading all students across the UK were given national book tokens to the value of £1. These tokens allow students to buy a book or audio book from a variety of participating stores in your local area. This can be either one of the advertised £1 special books for 2017, or to go towards an alternative read. For further information please visit the World Book Day website: Click Here
** Remember ** All national book vouchers are valid until Sunday 26th March 2017.