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Primary Progress

We are very pleased with the way the curriculum is embedding at Venturers’ Academy and the ability that we have to be able to offer a bespoke approach to learning for all our students. Staff are currently planning a series of learning experiences to enable all our students to follow a tailor made approach to moving them on in their learning and also making learning irresistible.


Staff are able to closely track small steps in progress for all our students on our  assessment package. The system also has the facility to write your own specific curriculum and upload to share with students and staff on the visually appealing class mark book. We are also excited at the prospect of being able to capture progress visually with a film clip or photograph and then upload it on to the assessment system. This means that a wide variety of progress can be captured and stored, particularly those experiences that are often missed because they cannot be written down. For example a student who has mastered a particular skill in an art lesson can take a picture of their work,  or a child who may not have been able to access assembly previously but is now able to be photographed, sitting proudly in the hall accepting a special certificate.


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At the moment our class teams are working hard with their contributions for a’ Very Venturers’ Christmas’ celebration, enabling us to use a wide range of learning experiences to move students on in their learning journey.


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We look forward to sharing our learning with you in the New Year.


Mrs C Murray

Assistant Vice Principal Primary

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