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Students face their fears!

Throughout term three Indigo Class have been tackling their fears head on!

Each week, on a Monday, the class have been fortunate enough to attend Red Point Climbing Centre accompanied by Academy staff.

"The first time we went climbing I felt nervous and scared, but now I think it's awesome. My favourite part of climbing is the 3D towers which you can climb and then jump off the top". - Connor

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During these sessions the students' demonstrated excellent character in a series of difficult climbing wall challenges and the experience was filled with very proud moments for the Academy staff as they watched in awe of their students tackle their fear of heights head on.

"Climbing is so much fun. My favourite climb was the lava wall because you hit the buttons on your way up to the top and make the volcano explode. I completed it 3 times in a row without letting go". - Theo

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All the students have placed themselves in an unfamiliar environment and succeeded in challenging themselves both personally and physically. The students have been improving week on week and demonstrated a great attitude towards physical challenges.

"I have been particular impressed with their perseverance" said Mr Bartlett.

Mr Williams, Principal at Venturers' Academy added that "learning outside the classroom gives the students opportunities to try new skills, overcome barriers and deal with anxiety. We are proud of the students, they succeeded against all odds."


A special thanks must go to the Academy governors and doners as without their ongoing support and kind donations the students wouldn't be able to experience these life shaping opportunities.

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On returning to the Academy Indigo Class have enjoyed putting together a display board highlighting their experiences at Red Point Climbing Centre from across the term.

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