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HRH The Princess Royal Opens St Anne's Park New School Building
On Tuesday 10th December, Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal visited the St Anne’s Park area of Bristol to officially open The Kingfisher School’s new state-of-the-art school building in the heart of the community. As well as unveiling a commemorative plaque, The Princess Royal toured the purpose-built, two-storey school where children proudly introduced her to several of their favourite areas including classrooms, the library and the spacious outdoor play areas.
As part of the tour, the Princess Royal visited the Venturers’ Academy St Anne’s Park site, toured the classrooms and learnt about the collaboration between Venturers' Academy and The Kingfisher School, which took took effect from September. Based on one site, this collaboration has created a unique educational offering in Bristol: a co-located mainstream school and a special school, alongside a busy children’s centre.
Touring the fully inclusive setting, Her Royal Highness heard how both schools are benefiting from the additional resources and expertise that have been created by the co-location, which now accommodates 161 Kingfisher pupils and 28 Venturers’ Academy pupils.
The Princess was extremely interested in the collaboration between The Academies which is already providing so many benefits for the whole school community.
It is also an excellent example of good practice within a multi-academy trust where the emphasis is on building and developing healthy environments in which children can thrive, enabling us to deliver significant academic progress and achievement for every student.
TRYSTAN WILLIAMS, Principal of Venturers’ Academy & Executive Lead for Venturers Trust
In each classroom children were thrilled to show The Princess Royal what they have been learning, all linked to the school’s curriculum, Curious-city, which is enquiry-led. Each learning topic is actively linked to the rich heritage and cultural opportunities across Bristol and encourages children to be inquisitive and creative.
The excitement has been building for several weeks and the children couldn’t wait to show The Princess around their amazing new school.
This was a wonderful opportunity to showcase and celebrate the community spirit that really shines through here.
KIRSTEEN CRAIG, Principal of The Kingfisher School
The Princess Royal also met with The Kingfisher School’s Learning Council which is made up of students from Years 1 to 6, elected by their peers.
Kaitlyn, age 8, said:
“We’ve been so excited to have a real Princess visit our school!
She really liked our allotment patch and asked lots of questions about our three rescue chickens.”
Also present at the opening was the Deputy Lord-Lieutenant of Bristol, Dr Timothy Chambers DL and his wife Dr Joanna Chambers; and the Master of the Society of Merchant Venturers, Ross Ancell.