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Shining Stars - Outdoor Art Mural at Venturers'


A colourful welcome awaits you

at Venturers' Academy


Term two saw the construction of a wonderful new Academy sign and outdoor mural of student's artwork.

Creation of the new outdoor mural began in term one, with all the Academy students painting self-portraits during individual class art workshops. Local community artists Toni and Gordon visited the Academy to deliver these art workshops on numerous occasions, with one visit dedicated to assisting the students with the creation of personalised self-portraits.


Img 8412   Img 8413   Img 8487

Img 8421


The new outdoor Venturers' Academy sign and art mural was put up at the beginning of term two with the help of students from Burgundy Class and it looks fantastic!


Image2    T2wk1 burgundy 2

Img 8813    Venturers front


Search within the stars to see how many student's faces you can identify?


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